Category: botany (800 terms)
- above ground
- adder's fern
- adder's tongue
- air plant
- alligator apple
- almond tree
- alpine saxifrage
- amber tree
- anchovy pear
- angelica tree
- angel's ladder
- angel's trumpet
- annual ryegrass
- apothecary rose
- apple mint
- apple pear
- apple rose
- arbor vitae
- arctic poppy
- asparagus fern
- asparagus pea
- autumn crocus
- avalanche lily
- bachelors button
- balsam apple
- bamboo palm
- bamboo vine
- barley smut
- barren strawberry
- baseball plant
- basil balm
- basket rush
- basket willow
- bastard cedar
- bastard mahogany
- bastard pennyroyal
- bastard toadflax
- bay cedar
- beach pea
- bear's breech
- bedded in
- bee balm
- bee orchid
- berry blue
- billy buttons
- bird cherry
- bird of paradise
- bird pepper
- bishop's weed
- bitter almond
- bitter apple
- bitter bark
- bitter melon
- bitter orange
- bitter vetch
- black alder
- black ash
- black bean
- black canker
- black caraway
- black cumin
- black dammar
- black-eyed pea
- black gum
- black haw
- black hellebore
- black locust
- black mangrove
- black moss
- black mulberry
- black nightshade
- black oak
- black oat
- black olive
- black pine
- black plum
- black prince
- black raspberry
- black sage
- black snakeroot
- black walnut
- bladder wrack
- blade of grass
- blazing star
- bleeding heart
- blister blight
- blood lily
- blood tree
- blue beech
- blue bonnet
- blue bugle
- blue flax
- blue ginger
- blue gum
- blue lotus
- blue oak
- blue sage
- bluestem grass
- blue vervain
- blue violet
- bodhi tree
- bog asphodel
- bog orchid
- boron deficiency
- bottle brush
- bottle palm
- bottle tree
- bowstring hemp
- box tree
- brandy bottle
- brazil nut
- bridal wreath
- broom bush
- broom sedge
- brown spot
- brown up
- bud out
- buffalo bean
- buffalo grass
- bully tree
- bunny grass
- burning bush
- burr cucumber
- burr gherkin
- bush lawyer
- bush sunflower
- butter bean
- butterfly bush
- butterfly lily
- butterfly pea
- cabbage palm
- cabbage rose
- cabbage tree
- calabash nutmeg
- calabash tree
- calla lily
- camphor tree
- cancer root
- candelabra tree
- candle tree
- carrion flower
- cascara sagrada
- cassowary plum
- castor bean
- caterpillar tree
- cat's claw
- century plant
- chain fern
- chameleon plant
- cherry blossom
- cherry laurel
- cherry orange
- cherry pit
- cherry plum
- climbing fig
- climbing nightshade
- clove pink
- clover grass
- coast spurge
- cobra lily
- coconut geranium
- coconut heart
- coffee bush
- coffee tree
- colic weed
- colt's foot
- common bean
- common chickweed
- common heath
- common madder
- common mallow
- common milkwort
- common millet
- common polypody
- compass plant
- composite flower
- cool tankard
- coral bells
- coral plant
- coral vine
- cornelian cherry
- corn parsley
- corpse flower
- cow parsley
- cow tree
- crab's eye
- creeping speedwell
- creeping thyme
- crowder pea
- crown of thorns
- cucumber tree
- custard apple
- cutty grass
- cypress pine
- damson plum
- dead man's fingers
- death camas
- deer's tongue