Category: botany - page 2 (800 terms)
- desert candle
- desert ironwood
- desert lily
- desert oak
- desert rose
- desert willow
- devil's bit
- devil's claw
- devil's cotton
- devil's nettle
- devil's paintbrush
- devil's rope
- devil's walking stick
- dinosaur plant
- ditch weed
- dog rose
- dove plant
- dragon's teeth
- dragon's wort
- drip tip
- dry rot
- duck potato
- durmast oak
- dusty miller
- ear bud
- early bloomer
- eastern coneflower
- elbow plant
- elephant apple
- elephant ear
- elephant grass
- elephant's foot
- emu apple
- emu berry
- emu bush
- evening primrose
- evergreen oak
- evergreen wood fern
- ex vitro
- false hellebore
- false lily of the valley
- false pimpernel
- false pineapple
- fan palm
- fat hen
- fern pine
- fig leaf
- finger fan
- finger grass
- finger lime
- firecracker flower
- fire lily
- fire moss
- fire plant
- flame birch
- flame of the forest
- flame tree
- flamingo flower
- flower petal
- food tree
- forest mahogany
- four-leaf clover
- fox grape
- fox's foot
- freeway daisy
- freshwater soldier
- frost grape
- fruit fall
- fruit up
- garden cress
- garden gate
- garlic chive
- garlic vine
- gas plant
- ghost orchid
- ghost pipe
- giant cane
- globe amaranth
- globe daisy
- globe mallow
- glory bush
- glory pea
- goat's rue
- golden bamboo
- golden chain
- golden currant
- golden rain
- golden rain tree
- golden shower
- gopher spurge
- go to seed
- grains of paradise
- grass oil
- grass pink
- grass tree
- green dragon
- green gold
- green nightshade
- ground berry
- ground laurel
- ground pea
- ground pine
- growth ring
- gum tree
- hair grass
- hair moss
- hairy nightshade
- halfa grass
- hard maple
- hard milkwood
- hardy kiwi
- hare's bread
- hare's ear
- haricot bean
- hawk's eye
- hay-scented fern
- hedgehog plant
- hen and chicken
- hen and chicks
- herb bennet
- herb of grace
- herb trinity
- hoe nightshade
- hog apple
- hog fennel
- hog grass
- hog gum tree
- hog plum
- hog potato
- hog's bane
- holly-leaved barberry
- honey plant
- hop hornbeam
- horned melon
- horn of plenty
- horse apples
- horse chestnut
- horseshoe vetch
- hot lips
- hot pepper
- hummingbird vine
- ice plant
- incense tree
- indigo bush
- ivy gourd
- jack bean
- jockey's cap
- joint pine
- kaffir lily
- kapok tree
- king fern
- kwai muk
- lacquer tree
- ladies' eardrops
- lady fern
- ladyfinger cactus
- lady of the night
- lady's bedstraw
- lady's finger
- lady's seal
- lady's slipper
- lamb's ears
- lamb's quarters
- lamb's tongue
- lanolin bush
- lantern berry
- leaf node
- least willow
- leatherleaf fern
- lemon drop
- lemon geranium
- leopard lily
- lesser galangal
- licorice mint
- licorice root
- lignum rhodium
- lignum vitae
- lion's ear
- lion's foot
- little brown jug
- live oak
- living rock
- living stone
- lizard's tail
- loblolly bay
- loblolly pine
- locust tree
- love vine
- lucky clover
- lucky nut
- macaw bush
- maiden's blush
- mamey sapote
- mammee apple
- mandarin orange
- mare's tail
- marsh grass
- marsh mallow