Category: business (415 terms)
- acquisition time
- add on
- add value
- ad hocism
- advance the ball
- air sandwich
- and company
- area of influence
- arm's length
- auction house
- auto shop
- back catalogue
- back end
- back order
- bad business
- bake off
- bankers' hours
- bargaining power
- barrier to entry
- bear hug
- beer baron
- behind the curve
- bench strength
- big five
- big hitter
- big league
- big money
- big six
- bill of goods
- black knight
- board member
- body corporate
- body shop
- boiler room
- book deal
- book trade
- boots on the ground
- booze baron
- bottom line
- branch line
- branch out
- bread trade
- break even
- brick and mortar
- bubble up
- business as usual
- business intelligence
- buy and pay for
- buy in
- buy into
- buy out
- call back
- capital equipment
- carpet bomb
- car rental
- carriage trade
- carve out
- cash cow
- cash flow
- cash grab
- cash on the line
- cash out
- cash register
- cash up
- change management
- chief executive
- chief of staff
- city desk
- close down
- closed shop
- close of play
- close out
- close up
- closing form
- closing time
- cold call
- cold email
- combination product
- commission agent
- company car
- compliance company
- conflict of interest
- contract system
- cook the books
- cool down
- corner the market
- cost-benefit analysis
- cost plus
- cost price
- cottage industry
- counting room
- country of origin
- crank the handle
- critical mass
- crown jewels
- crunch time
- customer service
- cutting edge
- dark kitchen
- day trade
- dead on arrival
- dead wood
- deal in
- de facto
- delivery receipt
- dollar-a-year man
- double bill
- down line
- down payment
- drill down
- dry cleaner
- due diligence
- earn out
- eat one's own dog food
- elevator pitch
- end of day
- estate agent
- executive decision
- exit interview
- exit program
- expense account
- external risk
- fail fast
- fall due
- fast track
- fat cat
- fidelity insurance
- finder's fee
- finished product
- first party
- first team
- fish house
- flag carrier
- flag of convenience
- flex up
- float at
- folded up
- fold up
- follow on
- follow the sun
- food truck
- free agent
- front line
- front load
- front money
- front office
- front running
- full disclosure
- full service
- funeral home
- gear down
- get well
- go native
- go public
- green rush
- grey market
- ground floor
- growing pains
- growth rate
- hand off
- hard sell
- heavy hitter
- hide the ball
- high touch
- hire out
- hive off
- home base
- honeymoon period
- hot shop
- human resource management
- human resources
- ice creamery
- industrial espionage
- inflection point
- information velocity
- in house
- ink in
- in kind
- in play
- inside salesman
- intellectual property
- internal reconstruction
- in the black
- job creator
- job order
- job shop
- joint-stock company
- joint venture
- killer instinct
- lead in
- leading indicator
- learning curve
- leave on the table
- legitimate interest
- level set
- licence to print money
- life cycle
- line of communication
Related categories:
commerceindustryofficeprofessionworkfinancecareermanagementshoppingtradeemploymentrestaurantgovernmententrepreneurshipeconomyschoolprofessionalecommerceeducationbuildingdevelopmentservicecorporatesoftwareinvestmentmarketingactivityeconomicorganizationtechnologybiologytransactiongrowthaccountingtravelsciencestrategyhealthhomecommunitylifefitnessbankingoperationtradingpolicye commercerelationshipprocessfoodproductadvertisingsocialadministrationcreativefictionfinancial