Category: business - page 2 (415 terms)
- listening post
- living dead
- long tail
- losing streak
- loss prevention
- make good
- marginal cost
- market leader
- market price
- mark up
- marzipan layer
- massage parlor
- mass distribution
- mass market
- master copy
- meat dealer
- meeting place
- merchant prince
- metal shop
- middle office
- money machine
- money's worth
- movie deal
- music house
- mystery guest
- mystery shop
- mystery shopping
- name brand
- name card
- nerve center
- net earnings
- net net
- new guard
- next generation
- nominal ledger
- off board
- office hours
- office work
- off time
- oil spot
- on board
- one-man band
- on spec
- on the bench
- on the books
- on track
- open its doors
- open shop
- open up
- operating cycle
- operating expense
- order of business
- out of stock
- out of the box
- over the fence
- packing room
- passing off
- pay one's dues
- pay to play
- peak hour
- pencil out
- pencil whip
- people pod
- per annum
- per diem
- per procurationem
- point of contact
- point person
- poison pill
- positive transition
- power center
- power gap
- power play
- price gouging
- price out
- price out of the market
- prime the pump
- printing house
- print money
- pro forma
- project management
- proof of concept
- public relations
- public utility
- purpose statement
- put up the shutters
- qualify out
- quid pro quo
- race to the bottom
- rain check
- ramp up
- rat race
- reality distortion field
- record label
- red ink
- reverse integration
- revolving door
- rice king
- risk assessment
- road warrior
- robber baron
- roll out
- route runner
- rule of engagement
- run past
- sample room
- scaled up
- scale up
- second line
- secret sauce
- security service
- sell down
- sell out
- serve notice
- service agreement
- service lift
- service station
- set up shop
- shadow stock
- shake out
- shared service
- sharp practice
- shipping company
- shop floor
- short term
- shuffle the cards
- shut down
- shut up shop
- side bet
- signature authority
- silent partner
- sister company
- skill set
- slash and burn
- slow time
- soft launch
- spaghetti chart
- spec out
- sphere of influence
- spin out
- squeeze out
- stack rank
- stack ranking
- stalking horse
- standing stock
- standstill agreement
- start up
- statement of intent
- state of the art
- status report
- stock company
- stock out
- storage time
- straw man
- strike rate
- sub out
- swim lane
- swindle sheet
- systems analyst
- table stakes
- take a view
- take inventory
- take or pay
- take over
- talk shop
- tanning salon
- tap up
- team player
- technology transfer
- third party
- tick over
- tie in
- tiger team
- timber merchant
- time agreement
- time check
- time in
- time is of the essence
- time rate
- time trade
- tolling agreement
- top line
- touch base
- trade name
- trial balloon
- triple crown
- turn a profit
- turn over
- unicorn hunter
- unorthodox entrepreneur
- up line
- valley of death
- value added
- value raise
- value statement
- vested interest
- vice president
- virgin field
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