Category: communication - page 3 (503 terms)
- straight from the shoulder
- straight out
- strike in
- strike up
- string together
- summing up
- sum up
- swallow one's words
- swear at
- symbolic language
- sympathy card
- table talk
- take apart
- take exception
- take liberties
- talk about
- talk at
- talk back
- talk down
- talking shop
- talking stick
- talk like a book
- talk out
- talk over
- talk sense
- talk story
- talk through
- talk to
- talk up
- technical writing
- telegraph code
- telephone call
- telephone conference
- telephone number
- telephone operator
- telling off
- tell off
- tell the truth
- text message
- text messaging
- textual harassment
- thank you
- that's all
- they say
- think out loud
- third hand
- thought bubble
- thumb down
- thumbs up
- time of arrival
- toing and froing
- tone down
- tone policing
- tone up
- toss around
- to the point
- touch base
- touch on
- trial balloon
- trick question
- trumpet call
- tuned in
- tune in
- tune out
- up front
- verbal assault
- verbal communication
- verbal humiliation
- video chat
- video conference
- video conferencing
- virtue signal
- virtue signalling
- visual language
- viva voce
- voice call
- wait a minute
- wake-up call
- walk back
- warning shot
- warning sign
- wave off
- wave through
- wax poetic
- weather speak
- what about
- what are you doing
- what do you mean
- what do you say
- what do you want
- what is it
- what is that
- what say you
- what's new
- what's the difference
- what was that
- whisper network
- wireless operator
- wire off
- wish someone well
- working language
- write in
- wrong number
- yes and no
- you know
- yours truly
- you were saying