Category: economic (171 terms)
- absolute form
- ad valorem
- affordable housing
- anarchist capitalist
- animal spirits
- at a premium
- bad money drives out good
- balance of payments
- bargaining power
- barrier to entry
- base metal
- basket case
- black market
- bliss point
- bottom out
- brain drain
- break even
- capital account
- capitalist realism
- capital loss
- choice theory
- circulation time
- closed system
- cluster development
- collectivist anarchist
- commodity meat
- common currency
- common good
- core inflation
- cost-benefit analysis
- cottage industry
- countervailing duty
- current account
- dark market
- dark sector
- democratic socialism
- developing country
- digital scarcity
- discretionary spending
- dollar democracy
- doom loop
- drive up
- dry market
- economic rationalism
- emerging market
- exponential growth
- fair trade
- fat tax
- first best
- flypaper theory
- foreign debt
- foreign exchange
- foreign exchange certificate
- free city
- free list
- free ride
- free rider
- fudge factor
- gold bug
- gold fever
- gold mine
- gold plate
- gold point
- gold rush
- gold standard
- go narrow
- good value
- government cheese
- green gold
- green goods
- growth rate
- hand to mouth
- hard landing
- hard money
- hollowing out
- hot money
- human development
- in circulation
- industrial complex
- jam tomorrow
- job creator
- laissez faire
- landed society
- law of diminishing returns
- leading indicator
- left anarchist
- make a living
- marginal cost
- marginal farmer
- market anarchy
- market leader
- market price
- market urbanist
- marriage-industrial complex
- middle class
- milch cow
- monetary instrument
- neoclassical liberalism
- new money
- nouveau pauvre
- nouveau riche
- odd lot
- old money
- paper money
- path dependence
- penny mail
- per capita
- petit bourgeois
- petite bourgeoisie
- pinch point
- potato paradox
- price gouging
- price out
- price out of the market
- price point
- price up
- prime the pump
- print money
- private property
- product differentiation
- professional class
- public good
- public sector
- purchasing power
- pure good
- race to the bottom
- rack rent
- raw material
- rebound effect
- revealed preference
- rice bowl
- riches to rags
- risk aversion
- run hot
- scientific socialism
- secondary market
- sex economy
- shadow price
- shadow work
- shake out
- shock therapy
- single money
- sliding scale
- social capital
- social security
- soft landing
- soft money
- sound money
- spill over
- starve the beast
- state aid
- static equilibrium
- stealth tax
- the house always wins
- third way
- time bank
- time rate
- token economy
- trade off
- trickle down
- unholy trinity
- upper class
- upper middle class
- use value
- value added
- vote with one's wallet
- wage slave
- white rent
- working class
- zombie institution
- zombie state