Category: emotion (210 terms)
- absence makes the heart go yonder
- alone in the dark
- amped up
- at a loss
- at peace
- at peace with
- bad humour
- bad news
- beaked off
- beat one's chest
- beat up
- belly laugh
- bite down
- bite in
- blaze up
- bleed for
- bliss out
- blue devils
- boil over
- boil up
- brassed off
- brass off
- break down
- brim over
- broil up
- broken man
- brotherly love
- bubble up
- bummed out
- burnt out
- bursting point
- calm down
- care for
- carried away
- cast down
- cheer up
- cheesed off
- chilled out
- choke up
- cling to
- close to one's heart
- cloud nine
- cool down
- corked up
- creeped out
- crumple up
- cry one's eyes out
- curl up
- cut to the quick
- deer in the headlights
- de profundis
- die a thousand deaths
- do cartwheels
- down bad
- draw blood
- dread fascination
- drive someone crazy
- falling in love
- fall in love
- fed up
- feel for
- feel like
- feel oneself
- fight back
- fired up
- first love
- flame up
- flare out
- flare up
- flip out
- flip over
- forget oneself
- freak out
- freeze to
- gather strength
- get off on
- give vent to
- glaze up
- go ape
- gold fever
- go mental
- good liking
- good time
- go spare
- go to pieces
- grind down
- gross out
- gut punch
- hacked off
- ha ha
- hang dog
- happy corner
- have a fit
- have one's heart in one's boots
- head over heels
- heart balm
- heart eyes
- heart to heart
- heat up
- high blood
- hold in
- hot under the collar
- hulk out
- hung up
- ill at ease
- ill humor
- in high dudgeon
- in love
- in the cold light of day
- jump up
- keyed up
- key up
- kindred spirit
- laugh with
- leave behind
- left out
- let down
- live for
- long for
- loosening up
- lose oneself
- lose one's shit
- love affair
- love cycle
- lust after
- melt down
- mist over
- mist up
- naffed off
- nail biter
- nerve out
- night fear
- not want to do that
- off guard
- one's blood runs cold
- open one's heart
- out of one's mind
- out of place
- out of sorts
- pack a sad
- party spirit
- peed off
- pek chek
- pissed off
- pit of the stomach
- poker face
- prang out
- press down
- puff up
- push away
- put to shame
- rarked up
- reopen old wounds
- roll around
- run deep
- sadden up
- scream for
- set alight
- set on fire
- seventh heaven
- shake up
- shed a tear
- shook up
- shut out
- sick as a parrot
- sigh of relief
- simmer up
- sit with
- skeeved out
- skip a beat
- slow burn
- soft spot
- someone's blood runs cold
- sorry for oneself
- speak to
- spill out
- spit fire
- spring fever
- steamed up
- step back
- stew up
- sweep someone off their feet
- taken aback
- take refuge
- take to heart
- tear apart
- tear at
- tear up
- the end of one's rope
- think of the children
- throttle down
- tied in knots
- tie in knots
- time stands still
- torqued off
- toy with
- true love
- up and down