Category: engineering (245 terms)
- absolute error
- acoustic emission
- active material
- air bladder
- air cell
- air vent
- angle bar
- artillery wheel
- azimuth thruster
- ball bearing
- ball valve
- bedded in
- belt track
- bench test
- boiler room
- bore out
- bottom dead center
- box standard
- brake fluid
- brake shoe
- by wire
- cable drum
- calculate out
- center of gravity
- chatter mark
- chromium plating
- circulation time
- code review
- cold weld
- cold welding
- combined cycle
- composite built
- computer architecture
- control panel
- cooling plant
- core lock
- core locked
- corner case
- cotter pin
- crawler track
- cross axle
- cross section
- cylinder head
- daisy chain
- dead plate
- dead weight
- degree of freedom
- design speed
- die plate
- diesel engine
- direct air capture
- disk wheel
- double-pole technique
- drilling rig
- drill rig
- dry hole
- dry well
- duty cycle
- electrical contact
- end cap
- engine house
- exhaust pipe
- expanded metal
- eye plate
- fade time
- feed zone
- fender beam
- field work
- fire box
- fire load
- first angle projection
- flood pool
- flow control
- fluidized bed
- form factor
- free state
- friction drum
- fudge factor
- fuel injection
- functional requirement
- fuse plug
- gas engine
- gas generator
- guard band
- guide rail
- hair space
- half space
- heat sink
- hermetically sealed
- hot well
- hull splash
- hybrid rocket
- hydraulic ram
- hydrostatic lock
- ice fountain
- indicator card
- integration time
- internal combustion engine
- iron ring
- jet engine
- jet propulsion
- latency time
- light engineering
- lightning rod
- line of centers
- liquid rocket
- load factor
- logic diagram
- loose coupling
- low line
- machine room
- magnesium wire
- magnetic bearing
- margin of safety
- mass balance
- mechanic arts
- microelectromechanical systems
- modulus of elasticity
- moment of inertia
- motive power
- moving part
- multiple transformer
- mushroom head
- nanoelectromechanical systems
- negative feedback
- negative pressure
- neutral zone
- occupation bridge
- open rotor
- operating time
- operational service period
- ordinate dimension
- out of phase
- output rating
- penetration test
- pig run
- pinch point
- plant room
- platform crane
- point of interest
- power electronics
- power scaling
- power supply
- power surge
- power unit
- pressure switch
- prime implicant
- prime mover
- propeller shaft
- quadrant plate
- radial shield
- radiation shielding
- radius rod
- ratchet wheel
- resonating chamber
- reverse engineering
- right-hand rule
- road locomotive
- rotary table
- runaway diesel
- running load
- safety valve
- sanitation engineer
- scale up
- sea load
- security distance
- set screw
- shackle bolt
- shackle joint
- sheet piling
- signal boost
- signal-to-noise ratio
- simple engine
- simple machine
- single point of failure
- sluice gate
- smoke test
- snap ring
- soil mechanics
- solid rocket
- space cloth
- space technology
- sparge pipe
- spark coil
- spark gap
- spiral worm
- split key
- spot weld
- spot welding
- spring beam
- spring valve
- square engine
- squirrel cage
- stainless steel
- standard conditions
- static fire
- stay time
- steam table