Category: history (333 terms)
- age of reason
- air-raid warden
- aluminum shower
- a mensa et thoro
- ancient history
- angel maker
- animal magnetism
- animal spirits
- apothecary rose
- aqua vitae
- area sneak
- arrested decay
- autem gogler
- auto da fe
- ball game
- barking iron
- battle of the bulge
- bed wench
- beer baron
- bell button
- below stairs
- bill of mortality
- bishop's mantle
- black and tan
- black prince
- black rain
- black triangle
- blind pig
- blind tiger
- blood libel
- blue blood
- blue ruin
- body in black
- body snatcher
- book of hours
- booze baron
- boy bishop
- brain fever
- brass rubbing
- brazen age
- broad arrow
- brown bag test
- bull run
- buried treasure
- burnt offering
- buzz bomb
- cadet house
- carte de visite
- cash and carry
- cattle drive
- cave painting
- chain gang
- chain mail
- chastity belt
- chief lord
- choke pear
- chuck wagon
- civil rights movement
- clack dish
- coat armour
- comb test
- comfort girl
- companionate marriage
- concentration camp
- congee house
- cotton picker
- counting room
- covered wagon
- covert baron
- crown jewels
- crux simplex
- curtail dog
- custos rotulorum
- cyclic poet
- dark age
- death camp
- death march
- demon core
- devil's paintbrush
- devil's rope
- dimber cove
- dog bread
- dog town
- dog wheel
- dollar-a-year man
- dolly shop
- drum tower
- enumerated articles
- family tree
- farthing dip
- feudal law
- field colours
- field cornet
- final solution
- fire pike
- fireside chat
- first woman
- flaming onion
- flight of earls
- folk memory
- fool rack
- forty-ninth parallel
- free city
- freedom ride
- freedom rider
- free state
- gay liberation
- gentleman usher
- ghost town
- gingerbread office
- glass onion
- global empire
- golden age
- gold fever
- gold rush
- government cheese
- grand vizier
- great hall
- great house
- green army
- green sickness
- green stamp
- grey ghost
- grey hen
- hackney cab
- hackney carriage
- hammer and sickle
- hand cannon
- hanging garden
- head money
- hebraica veritas
- here be dragons
- hero city
- high king
- historical criticism
- historical society
- historic county
- historic site
- hobby horse
- holy war
- holy water sprinkler
- hop merchant
- horse armor
- horse ferry
- horseless carriage
- house of correction
- house of tolerance
- human sacrifice
- imperial disease
- industrial school
- infernal machine
- iron curtain
- irritable heart
- jeu de paume
- juice joint
- killing field
- kinchin cove
- king of kings
- king's man
- king's purse
- knight of the road
- knight service
- knight's fee
- land before time
- landed society
- land pirate
- large seal script
- late antique
- law lord
- lazar house
- let blood
- liberty cap
- liberum veto
- little boy
- livre tournois
- lock hospital
- lockup house
- long peace
- lord of the manor
- lord paramount
- lord protector
- magic lantern
- magnificent seven
- main guard
- manifest destiny
- manor house
- mass priest
- master of the mint
- meatball flag
- merchant prince
- middle passage
- minute man
- mob cap
- model village
- mound builder
- mourning cloak
- mummy cloth
- mystery play