Category: idiomatic (132 terms)
- abandon ship
- across the board
- a good deal
- any old
- at home
- at the high port
- back time
- bang up
- bargain basement
- batten down
- beat the dust
- below par
- better for it
- big girl
- bitter apple
- blitz out
- bloody nose
- bottle up
- bound up
- box the compass
- brace of shakes
- broad in the beam
- broom up
- burn time
- bush telegraph
- by the moment
- cede the field
- chalk off
- chicken scratch
- clean up
- come first
- dead center
- deep water
- dig in
- done up
- down the wind
- draw and quarter
- draw in
- fade out
- fair share
- falling together
- fall off
- fall together
- firm up
- fourth gear
- fuck with
- game out
- get lost
- get with
- go down with
- gravity's pull
- grease spot
- harden up
- have someone going
- heavy lift
- hit on
- hit the button
- hot stove
- in light of
- in the works
- keep house
- key off
- kick off
- kick out
- kick start
- kiddie table
- lay hands on
- lay on
- like that
- live on
- live with
- lose it
- low water
- man down
- mark time
- nuts to butts
- old gentleman
- old school
- on board
- on course
- one and only
- one thousand and one
- on keel
- on the deck
- out of sorts
- out of sync
- out there
- pivot point
- plug into
- pointy end
- quite some
- ray of light
- read in
- rock on
- rogues' gallery
- run to
- run up
- screwed up
- second string
- shoot off
- silly season
- skinny up
- small fry
- space out
- spruce up
- standard fare
- stand for
- stuck on
- suck someone's cock
- supposed to
- sweep out
- take on water
- tell on
- third string
- throw down
- throw in
- throw off
- throw up
- top to bottom
- tossed salad
- turn against
- under hatches
- up front
- used to
- warm over
- whack up
- what for
- wheel out
- whole cloth
- win back
- wine tosser
- yellow light