Category: language (181 terms)
- according to
- acid drop
- ad hocery
- ad rem
- age up
- agree with
- ah kua
- all y'all
- alpha and omega
- alphabet soup
- another story
- anyhow whack
- any old how
- as in
- as per
- bad name
- based on
- bear upon
- big word
- black sanctus
- blanket statement
- blot out
- boil down
- border on
- boys and girls
- break from
- by definition
- by extension
- call down
- call out of one's name
- call to mind
- cancel out
- certain person
- choke out
- chop logic
- chopped logic
- clair de lune
- common currency
- conjure up
- cross out
- cry down
- cunning linguist
- da kine
- dampen down
- darken up
- dark up
- defined term
- definite maybe
- dirty word
- double coding
- double meaning
- double talk
- drive down
- drop the f-bomb
- dumb down
- effing and blinding
- en passant
- et cetera
- expletive deleted
- ex tempore
- far from
- father tongue
- fill in the blank
- four-letter word
- gamer word
- give name to
- greased up
- hard word
- hark back
- home thrust
- how long
- if not
- illicit darkness
- in detail
- in petto
- in principle
- in someone's vocabulary
- in the round
- in the wild
- ironic error
- isn't it so
- jeu d'esprit
- jie jie
- jumbled up
- kor kor
- lean towards
- leave out
- let's say
- like unto
- literary language
- low blow
- magic word
- make out
- make sense
- many and varied
- mauvaise langue
- moon rune
- mother tongue
- muddle up
- mumbo jumbo
- new name
- non sequitur
- no place
- nostra culpa
- not exactly
- odd one out
- or else
- ore rotundo
- pass for
- pedal stool
- per se
- pet name
- piece of work
- piece out
- play on
- point blank
- political correction
- politically correct
- punch up
- put a name to
- quote unquote
- rake up
- rattle off
- read off
- read over
- render down
- rhetorical question
- rhyme off
- rhyme up
- riddle me ree
- royal we
- run on
- send up
- sentence mix
- set forth
- short form
- sign language
- single time
- slip up
- small words
- soak in
- some kind of
- sound out
- speaking in tongues
- speaking of
- spell out
- spike up
- stock phrase
- string together
- sum up
- swear at
- take for
- take for granite
- talk like a book
- tear down
- that being said
- those people
- tongue troopers
- to one's mind
- toss around
- turn of phrase
- typographical error
- vernacular name
- vocabulary word
- walk back
- wax philosophical
- way off
- weasel word
- what about
- what if
- what is her name
- what is that
- what's the difference
- with respect to
- word salad
- working language
- write out
- yam yam
- ye olde
- you know
- zoom out