Category: medicine (294 terms)
- acid reflux
- adverse event
- allopathic medicine
- annulus fibrosus
- artificial kidney
- association time
- atomic cocktail
- barium meal
- barrel chest
- bitter bark
- black bag
- black canker
- black caraway
- black cumin
- black fever
- black hellebore
- black snakeroot
- blast cell
- bleed out
- blood bank
- blood sugar
- blood supply
- blood test
- blood transfusion
- blood type
- blue lotus
- blue measles
- blue pill
- blue vervain
- body jacket
- booty juice
- boracic lint
- bowel movement
- brain fever
- brain surgeon
- brain surgery
- bush medicine
- butterfly pea
- butterfly stitch
- capillary refill
- cardinal symptom
- case report
- caterpillar fungus
- cat's claw
- cell count
- cerebrospinal fluid
- chemical imbalance
- chemical restraint
- chest cold
- chest rub
- chicken pox
- circulation time
- claw toe
- clearance rate
- close up
- clotting factor
- coagulation factor
- cold finger
- cold treatment
- colic weed
- color blindness
- combination product
- comet tail
- common milkwort
- computed axial tomography
- corpulence index
- cowslip tea
- danger space
- death kit
- death rattle
- deep sleep
- devil's claw
- devil's cotton
- devil's grip
- differential diagnosis
- double bubble
- drape off
- draw blood
- dress out
- drug of choice
- drug test
- dry eye
- dry ginger
- dry powder
- embalming fluid
- en coup de sabre
- end organ
- evening primrose
- exercise bone
- face fungus
- failure to thrive
- false negative
- false positive
- family history
- fatty liver
- female circumcision
- field dressing
- flexor digitorum profundus
- flight nurse
- foot rot
- frequent flyer
- frosted tips
- gamma globulin
- general practice
- gentian violet
- geographic tongue
- giving birth
- gluteus maximus
- goat's rue
- golden hour
- grand rounds
- green sickness
- growth hormone
- have out
- healing art
- heart attack
- heart failure
- heart starter
- hemolytic disease
- high blood pressure
- hormone therapy
- horse pill
- human burrito
- human insulin
- hypodermic needle
- ice burn
- immunity gap
- imperial disease
- implied consent
- in blood
- infectious disease
- in situ
- in the ear
- in utero
- in vitro
- in vivo
- iron lung
- irritable heart
- ivy gourd
- joint pine
- jungle fever
- jury mast
- laser surgery
- left shift
- lesser galangal
- let blood
- licorice root
- life history
- life support
- liquid oxygen
- little blue pill
- little person
- lock hospital
- lung capacity
- margin of safety
- marrow smear
- materia medica
- medical examiner
- mercy killing
- metachromatic leukodystrophy
- milk fever
- milk thistle
- monkey fever
- morning report
- mountain tea
- mouth breathing
- mustard oil
- myeloid cell
- nasal breathing
- negative pressure
- night terror
- nux vomica
- obs and gynae
- off label
- off time
- oral cavity
- organ donor
- orphan drug
- ovulatory period
- oxygen saturation
- pain and suffering
- pain threshold
- paper cut
- papoose board
- patch test
- patent medicine
- patient zero
- pau d'arco
- peak flow
- penile sheath
- personalized medicine
- physiologic dead space
- pill in the pocket
- pine tar
- plague cross
- plague spot
- plaster cast
- plastic surgery