Category: politic - page 2 (303 terms)
- prime ministress
- princely state
- propaganda of the deed
- public comment
- public interest
- public life
- puppet army
- purity test
- push poll
- push polling
- queer anarchist
- quid pro quo
- race card
- race to the bottom
- radical center
- radical centrist
- rallying point
- red box
- red diaper baby
- red fascist
- red meat
- red room
- reeducation camp
- regressive leftist
- reign of terror
- religious right
- revolving door
- right wing
- rotten borough
- rubber stamp
- rugged individualism
- running mate
- sausage making
- scientific socialism
- second-class citizen
- sell the family silver
- several states
- shadow government
- silent majority
- simple majority
- sleaze factor
- sleeping power
- slush fund
- small-l liberal
- smart power
- smoke-filled room
- sneaking regarder
- social democracy
- social engineering
- social fascist
- social imperialism
- social justice warrior
- soft money
- soft power
- sovereign citizen
- special administrative region
- special interest
- special interest group
- sphere of influence
- spin doctor
- spin doctoring
- stab-in-the-back myth
- stalking horse
- stand down
- starve the beast
- statistical tie
- struggle session
- swift boat
- take over
- term limit
- term out
- the ayes have it
- third estate
- third party
- third rail
- third way
- three-line whip
- time agreement
- to the left
- traditional right
- trial balloon
- trigger law
- useful idiot
- vested interest
- vote of confidence
- vox populi
- wag the dog
- walk-around money
- war chest
- war hawk
- war room
- wheeling and dealing
- whip in
- whistlestop tour
- white nationalist
- white supremacist
- white supremacy
- woke mind virus
- wombat trail
- women's liberation
- work the refs
- world capital
- world leader
- youth movement
- zombie state