Category: slang (1724 terms)
- about that life
- absolute state
- absolute unit
- academic weapon
- act a fool
- a fuck sight
- agony box
- alley cat
- alley oop
- all that
- all wet
- all y'all
- ambulance chaser
- amped up
- and that
- an hero
- ante up
- ants in one's pants
- anyhow whack
- apple dumpling
- around the world
- arse about
- arse about face
- ass bandit
- ass kicking
- ass over teakettle
- ass pounding
- attention whore
- aunt nell
- autem cackler
- autem mort
- awesome sauce
- ayy lmao
- babbling brook
- baby dick
- baby face
- baby vamp
- back alley
- back number
- back passage
- bad bitch
- bad boy
- bad girl
- bad up
- bag of shells
- bag out
- bag up
- bake off
- ball and chain
- ball down
- ballin' the jack
- ball off
- balloon head
- balloon juice
- ball out
- balls about
- ball sack
- balls to the wall
- balls up
- ball up
- ball washer
- banana hammock
- banana nose
- banana oil
- banged up
- bang off
- bang out
- banjo string
- barking iron
- barred out
- barrow boy
- bar up
- bar whore
- beaked off
- beak off
- be all about
- beam up
- bean flicker
- bear cat
- bear pit
- beat down
- beat feet
- beat hollow
- beat it
- beat off
- beat one's face
- beat one's meat
- beat someone's ass
- beat the shit out of
- beat with the ugly stick
- beaver eater
- bedroom deal
- bed rot
- bed wench
- beefed out
- beef out
- beer money
- beer muscles
- beer o'clock
- beer ticket
- behind the wire
- beige flag
- be like
- bell up
- belly buster
- bent as a nine-bob note
- bent as a two bob
- be on someone's nuts
- big-boy pants
- big daddy
- big dog
- big enchilada
- big guy
- big house
- big if true
- big league
- big mood
- big shot
- big time
- big up
- bing chilling
- bird dog
- bit bucket
- bitch bag
- bitch goddess
- bitch off
- bitch out
- bitch seat
- bitch slap
- bitch up
- bite me
- bite the big one
- bite the biscuit
- bite the curb
- bit of alright
- bit of fluff
- bit of stuff
- bix nood
- black ace
- black fever
- black pill
- black up
- blah blah blah
- blast off
- blast up
- blaze up
- bleeding heart
- bless someone with
- blind drunk
- blind pig
- blind tiger
- blinged out
- bliss ninny
- blitz out
- blonde bombshell
- blow ass
- blow chunks
- blow in
- blow one's load
- blow one's wad
- blow someone's brains out
- blow someone's mind
- blow the gaff
- blow through
- blow water
- blue angel
- blue balls
- blue fire
- blue gum
- blue heeler
- blue meanie
- blue pigeon
- blue ruin
- blue shirt
- boat race
- body count
- bog in
- bog roll
- bomb out
- boob tube
- boom off
- boot boy
- booty call
- booty juice
- booze cruiser
- booze up
- boracic lint
- border jumper
- bore off
- boss up
- bottle it
- bottom bitch
- bottom feeder
- bottom feeding
- bow chicka wow wow
- bowl up
- boy cunt
- boy hole