Category: slang - page 2 (1724 terms)
- boy in blue
- boy mom
- boy pussy
- brain bucket
- brain fart
- brain rot
- brassed off
- brass nail
- brass off
- brass out
- brass up
- bread bowl
- break bad
- brew up
- brick house
- brick shithouse
- brick up
- bright young thing
- bring it
- bring the lumber
- broken-down valise
- brood sow
- brown bomber
- brown bread
- brown eye
- brown sugar
- bruh moment
- bubble butt
- bucket head
- bucket of blood
- bucket of sunshine
- bucking bronco
- buck out
- budgie smugglers
- bugger off
- bugger up
- bug juice
- bug out
- bug up
- built different
- built like a tank
- bull butter
- bull gravy
- bull up
- bully boy
- bum factory
- bump and grind
- bump off
- bum rap
- bum squabbled
- bunch of fives
- bun fight
- bung on
- bung out
- bunk into
- bunk off
- bunk up
- bunny hopper
- burn the roof
- bush baptist
- bush league
- bush pee
- bush wee
- bust a gut
- bust a move
- bust a nut
- bust ass
- bust down
- busted valise
- bust on
- bust one's ass
- bust out
- bust up
- butcher boy
- butcher's hook
- butch queen
- butch up
- butt bag
- butt chug
- butt dialing
- butter bar
- butt monkey
- butt pirate
- buy it
- cabbage head
- cacked up
- cack up
- cake boy
- caked up
- cake up
- camel jockey
- camp down
- canary bird
- candy man
- can't even
- caper merchant
- cap off
- car bomb
- carpet muncher
- carrot cruncher
- case the joint
- case up
- cashed up
- cash in
- cash money
- cat around
- catch a case
- catch hell
- cat melodeon
- cat piss
- cat's meow
- cattle trucked
- cauldron bottom
- chaotic evil
- chapstick lesbian
- charge up
- chase the dragon
- chat shit
- check out
- chee bye
- chee chee
- cheeko pek
- cheese bus
- cheese button
- cheese cutter
- cheesed off
- cheese eater
- cheese out
- cheese up
- chew up
- chi chi
- chick boy
- chicken fillet
- chicken liver
- chicken run
- chicken wing
- chick flick
- chick magnet
- chill girl
- chill out
- chimp out
- china plate
- chin music
- chisel in
- choc ice
- chocolate face
- chocolate soldier
- chomp down on
- chook chaser
- choose violence
- chop it up
- chop out
- chubby bunny
- chuck in
- chuck off
- chuck out
- chuck up
- chuffing hell
- cinnamon roll
- circle jerk
- city boy
- clack box
- clap cheeks
- clap on
- clap one's cheeks
- clap out
- claw off
- clean house
- clean potato
- click for
- closet case
- cloud up
- clown prince
- clown shoe
- clown world
- coal burner
- cock gobbler
- cock holster
- cock on
- cock sock
- cock watch
- coconut head
- coffeed out
- coffee money
- coffin dodger
- coin purse
- coin slot
- coke bottle
- coke dick
- cold cock
- cold fish
- cold pig
- collect skin
- comb down
- come a gutser
- come in hot
- come it
- come the acid