Category: slang - page 8 (1662 terms)
- single up
- sit on it
- skank up
- sketch out
- skin job
- skinny down
- skin the lamb
- sky juice
- slag off
- slam piece
- sled head
- slept on
- slim jim
- sling out
- slip it to
- smack out
- smack talk
- smack up
- smash and dash
- smoke blower
- smoke dope
- smoke eater
- smoke out
- smoke pole
- smoke up
- smoking hot
- smooth brain
- snail trail
- snake eyes
- snake out
- snatch someone's edges
- sneaking regarder
- sneaky beaky
- snow bunny
- snowflake generation
- snow queen
- soap bar
- soap dodger
- socked on the nose
- sock it
- son of a bitch
- son of a gun
- son of a whore
- space cadet
- sparkle up
- spaz out
- spear biscuits
- special snowflake
- spill one's guts
- spit roast
- squeeze box
- squeeze one out
- stacks on the mill
- staggering bob
- staggers and jags
- stay frosty
- stay up
- step off
- step on
- step to
- stink out
- stitch up
- stone jug
- stool pigeon
- stop someone's clock
- straight dinkum
- straight up
- street name
- strung out
- stuff up
- stump it
- stunning and brave
- stupid tax
- suck cock
- suck dick
- suck the monkey
- suck the mop
- suck up
- sugar baby
- sugar up
- sugar walls
- swamp angel
- swamp water
- swap spit
- swash someone's buckle
- swear down
- sweet fuck all
- swindle sheet
- swinging dick
- swing out
- switch up
- syrup of figs
- tab out
- take a dive
- take a shit
- take from behind
- take it up the ass
- take one's lumps
- take the piss
- take to the cleaners
- talk at
- talk cock
- talking shop
- talk shit
- talk shite
- talk to the hand
- talk trash
- tanked up
- tank up
- tap in
- tapped out
- tat up
- tea leaf
- teed off
- tell it to the hand
- terminally online
- territorial pissing
- that ain't it
- that's what's up
- that's your sort
- the bomb
- the business
- the fuck
- the man
- the sticks
- third base
- three hots and a cot
- three-time loser
- throw down
- throw hands
- throw shade
- throw shapes
- throw some shapes
- thunder run
- thunder thighs
- tickle someone's pickle
- ticky box
- tight as a tick
- time vampire
- tin bath
- tin can
- tinfoil hat
- tin hat
- tip bait
- tip drill
- tip the gaff
- tits up
- toe jam
- toe rag
- toes up
- tomato can
- tool around
- too much information
- top kek
- top oneself
- torch up
- tore up
- torqued off
- tossed salad
- toss off
- to the max
- to the moon
- touch grass
- tradesman's entrance
- train track
- tramp stamp
- trap house
- trap out
- tree hugger
- tree rat
- tricked out
- trick out
- trip out
- troll job
- trout slap
- truffle butter
- tube steak
- tuckered out
- tucker fucker
- tune up
- turkey drop
- turnt up
- tweak freak
- tweak out
- twig and berries
- twink death
- two bob
- two commas
- two-forty on a plank road
- two-time loser
- two twos
- type shit
- ugly stick
- under glass
- underpants gnome
- unga bunga
- upper storey
- up the pole