Category: sport - page 4 (798 terms)
- saved by the bell
- scissor kick
- scratch race
- scratch sheet
- screw back
- second base
- second line
- second string
- sending off
- send off
- send someone to the showers
- senior hurling
- service box
- set piece
- set shot
- setup man
- shadow box
- shirts and skins
- shooting gallery
- shoot out
- short corner
- short leg
- short pass
- short track
- shot clock
- shot put
- shoulder arms
- shoulder check
- shoulder pad
- show jumping
- shuffleboard table
- shut out
- sideline cut
- side wall
- silly season
- sin bin
- single scull
- sixth man
- skate key
- skate on
- skate one's lane
- skating rink
- ski jump
- skin diving
- skipping rope
- ski slope
- slam dunk
- sled head
- slobber knocker
- slug out
- snow snake
- soccer dad
- soccer football
- soft hand
- solo run
- soup bone
- special team
- spectator sport
- speed bag
- speed stack
- speed stacking
- split decision
- split end
- split shot
- sport of kings
- sports club
- sports fan
- spread eagle
- sprint car
- sprint finish
- square ball
- squash player
- squeeze out
- squeeze play
- stand off
- star frame
- starting gate
- starting gun
- starting price
- starting signal
- stay up
- step over
- stick the landing
- stock car
- stone wall
- stopping power
- straight lace
- street hockey
- strike out
- strike out looking
- strike rate
- sub out
- subway series
- sudden death
- sugar bowl
- suicide squad
- sun shot
- surf lifesaving
- surf rocker
- swan dive
- sweet spot
- swim lane
- sword fighting
- tag out
- tag team
- take a dive
- take a grab
- take a knee
- take the field
- tale of the tape
- tape ball
- tape up
- tap in
- tap off
- tap out
- tap up
- team player
- team pursuit
- team sport
- teed off
- tee off
- tee time
- tee up
- tennis shoe
- ten-second rule
- third base
- third string
- three-quarter time
- three-second rule
- throw in
- tight end
- tight five
- time check
- timed out
- time fault
- time out
- time trial
- tip drill
- tip off
- tip out
- to be named later
- toe drag
- tomato can
- top gun
- top hand
- torch runner
- touch down
- touch football
- trade down
- trade up
- trail hunt
- training ground
- transfer market
- transfer window
- transition zone
- trap house
- trick play
- trick shot
- triple crown
- triple jump
- triple play
- truck and trailer
- tuck up
- tug of war
- turkey shoot
- turkey trot
- turn of foot
- turn over
- twelfth man
- under center
- upper deck
- up to bat
- utility player
- value bet
- vaulting school
- victory lap
- wagon wheel
- walking the dog
- walk off
- walk the dog
- wall kick
- warning track
- wash out
- water carrier
- water ski
- water skiing
- wave off
- weekend warrior
- weigh in
- weight for age
- whip in
- white ball
- white card
- wide open
- wooden spoon
- work the refs
- world cup
- world record