Category: tool (120 terms)
- about sledge
- adhesive tape
- barking iron
- bastard file
- battering ram
- bed screw
- beer stick
- bicycle wrench
- block and tackle
- blunt instrument
- bottle opener
- bow compass
- bow saw
- branding iron
- breaker bar
- brush wheel
- bulldog clip
- bungee cord
- business end
- butcher's hook
- button lock
- buzz saw
- can opener
- carving knife
- case knife
- cat's claw
- cattle prod
- center punch
- cheese grater
- chisel up
- church key
- claw hammer
- croze iron
- deer horn knife
- dilly bag
- dope stick
- drill bit
- drop light
- duck tape
- duct tape
- face washer
- file card
- file off
- fine-tooth comb
- fire iron
- frame lock
- garden hose
- glass cutter
- glue gun
- gravity knife
- grease gun
- grinding wheel
- grozing iron
- gut hook
- hammer and anvil
- hand axe
- hand drill
- hand glass
- hand truck
- hanging loop
- hog scraper
- hole punch
- horse scoop
- hot saw
- impact driver
- letter opener
- linen tester
- liner lock
- lock pick
- long arm
- monkey jack
- monkey wrench
- nail header
- neck yoke
- number two
- peeler bar
- pipe snake
- pipe tong
- pistol grip
- plumb line
- pole hook
- power tool
- putty knife
- rabbit ears
- rattle can
- razor blade
- razor strop
- reciprocating saw
- red-hot poker
- rift saw
- round file
- rubber band
- saw off
- set square
- sewing needle
- shaving iron
- shaving knife
- shovel out
- skate key
- slim jim
- smoke grinder
- smudge pot
- speed loader
- sponge brush
- step ladder
- stick frog
- stretching frame
- thatcher's rake
- third hand
- throwing stick
- tire gauge
- toffee hammer
- torque wrench
- trundle cart
- walking stick
- weather vane
- wire brush
- without welt or guard
- wood chopper
- zip tie
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instrumentweapondevicetoyutilitysoftwareequipmentutensilconceptual toolhardwaremachineingredientusageskillmethodcraftknifetechnicaltaskcontainerobjecttechnologyproductresourcealgorithmmaterialworkspacetestingvehicletrapapplianceinstructionfacilitygestureconceptoperationprocesstechniquemachinerysupply