amp up

The term "amp up" originates from the word "amplify" and is commonly used to describe boosting intensity, excitement, or effectiveness.

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(informal)To increase the power, intensity, or volume of something.


  • The coach decided to amp up the training sessions before the big game.
  • The DJ knew exactly when to amp the music up to keep the crowd dancing.


(informal)To make someone feel more excited or enthusiastic.


  • The motivational speech really amped up the team.
  • The light show amped up the crowd before the concert.


(informal)To enhance or improve the impact of something.


  • They decided to amp up their marketing strategy to attract more customers.
  • The director amped up the drama in the final scene to leave a lasting impression.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "amp up":

amped upvamp upramp upcrank uppump uphot uphype upgen upsoup upplay upcranked upsex upcharge upjazz uppower upjuice upup the antegeed upkick upfire upheat upgear uppumped upgin upspice uppimp upgas upjack upbuff uptalk upwork upturn up the heatjazzed upgee uprark upstep upjuiced uptone upspark upkeyed upperk upbump upget it upsharpen uprev upturn upspeed upbuild upturnt updo upliven uphike uptighten upbooze upante uptrump updrum uptool upgussy uprun uphopped upfight uppepper uprarked upplump upgun uphem upgo upspin uphop upswitch upsugar updope upnut upload upstiff upchange upmove upwind updrive upbig upscale upfired upmuscled upage upstir upspruce upraise the stakespitch upbulk uphit upflame upclock upcrease upskank updone updub upbrace upspool upcheese upconnect upbull uptop uptee upwhip upone upblast upcue upcolor upbrass upspike upjam upfirm upblaze upfluff upjump uppuff uptune upon the uppunch upboil uplevel uppork upbutt uphoney uplight upbrighten upsteam uppolish upjerk uptrice uprein upchurn upjacked upsparkle upshoot upshape upsauce upburn upturn onrack upsize upbuoy upman upleg upfatten up