angel cake

"Angel cake" can refer to different types of light, airy cakes in the UK and the US, known for their fluffy textures.

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B2British Cuisine

(regional)A layered sponge dessert colored white, pink, and yellow, often with a thin layer of white icing.


  • For tea, they served slices of angel cake, each layer a different pastel color.

B2American Cuisine

(regional)A light, fluffy sponge dessert made with egg whites, flour, and sugar, usually baked in a tube pan.


  • Angel cake is often enjoyed with fresh berries and a drizzle of sweet sauce.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "angel cake":

angel foodangel hairangel shotbaby cakeangel momangel wingangel makerlayer cakecake updairy cakeangel dustfallen angelblue angelsponge cakepound cakecream slicecoffee cakecaked upcake slicecream puff