ante up

The phrase "ante up" originates from poker and has expanded to various contexts involving payment or commitment.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Voice:
πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ UK Voice:



(technical, gaming)To place a mandatory initial bet before the start of a poker hand.


  • Before dealing the cards, each player needs to ante up.


(informal)To contribute one's share of money or resources.


  • Everyone needs to ante up $20 for the group gift.


(informal)To pay what is owed or settle a debt.


  • It's time to ante up and pay your overdue rent.

C1Urban Slang

(slang)To prepare for a confrontation or challenge.


  • He told his rival to ante up before the fight.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "ante up":

up the antefront upcough upcash upsquare upnut upraise the stakesyield upman upfight upstep upchip inkick uppipe upamp upone upput upoffer uppaid upup forgun upput up one's dukeshem uppay the piperpitch inplay upboss upturn upbuy upup frontgee uppork upfork overjack upknuckle upshell outstick upgin uptake uphop upfetch upput up a fighthot upplead uppay the fiddlerrun upbid downcue upget it uptrue upbuck uppull up onjump upput one's hands upsack uppay one's duestee upshow upgen upput up onamped upkip upbig uptop uphead upcome upgo up forhands uphit upcome up tocowboy uphaul uppluck uppay outdummy upeven uppay to playput one's money where one's mouth isdouble upstiff uppull upcharge up