bad bitch

The phrase "bad bitch" celebrates a woman's confidence, independence, and assertiveness, often used in modern slang to highlight strength and attractiveness.


B2Contemporary Slang

(informal, slang)A confident, independent woman who is unapologetically herself.


  • She's a bad bitch who knows exactly what she wants in life.

B2Social Dynamics

(informal, slang)A woman admired for her strength, resilience, and self-assurance.


  • Her friends always look up to her as the bad bitch of the group.

B2Fashion and Appearance

(informal, slang)A woman who is attractive, fashionable, and exudes power.


  • In that outfit, she looks like a total bad bitch.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "bad bitch":

bad girlmain bitchbottom bitchbitch goddessbitch upbitch bagbitch offbitch outgood girldish bitchbad boybig girlbitch seatbest girl