bag out

The phrase "bag out" has multiple meanings depending on the context, especially in Australian slang.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Voice:
πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ UK Voice:



(slang, informal)To criticize or speak negatively about someone or something.


  • He tends to bag out his coworkers behind their backs.
  • Stop bagging out her outfit; it's not nice.


(technical, regional)To reach the allowable catch limit in recreational fishing.


  • We bagged out early in the morning, so we headed back to shore.
  • The group was thrilled to bag out by noon.


(technical)A method where the lining is sewn with the main fabric right sides together and then turned right side out.


  • To finish the dress, you need to bag out the lining.
  • She learned how to bag out the edges to create a clean seam.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "bag out":

bag upblack bagpack outchange bagin the bagbag and baggageblue bagbadge outtrash bagchanging bagclothes bagbitch bagbutt bagrig outswag bagbrown baghot bagback outbat outbung outhave outhay baglucky bagpack upduffel bagbomb outpack shitpack awaymystery bagpack inbag of tricksgrab bagtrap outbag of shellsboot outblackout bagrag baggerkit outgoody bagdoggy bagcrap outfag outbug outbarf bagcoffee bagtake outtag outbash outmoney bagbuck outfish outcarrot bagstock outdump outbrown baggingleave someone holding the bagbitch outsponge bagball outnut outwheel outhockey bagfumble the bagcheap outclean outbang outbox upbar outmack outsee outrim outline outgame outbox outbud out