big up
Originating from Caribbean English, 'big up' is commonly used in informal contexts to express praise, recognition, or support.
(slang, informal)To praise or promote someone or something enthusiastically.
- She bigged up her friend for completing the marathon.
- The DJ bigged up the new artist during the show.
(slang, informal)To give recognition or respect to someone, often in a public manner.
- The speaker gave a big up to the volunteers for their hard work.
- Big up to everyone who contributed to the project!
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "big up":
word upthumbs upone upon the upup forhead upshout outboss upstay upstep updub upup topdope uphit uplove uphey upbump uphop uphot upthat's what's upclap upbitch upleg upheads upbull upstick uphands uptalk uppimp upget it uphype upmove upjump uplift upgo upsend uptwo thumbs upkip upman upstraight upplay upkeep it upstand uppower uprhyme upfight upamp upblack upput upkeep upcheese upchin uphem upnut upput up onget on updo upjack upgeed upbutt upup thereturn uppost uppull up onkick uppump uphold uppull upback upsmoke upfront upwindow upkey upfree upget upskank upsex uplink uprise uppush upbadge upante upstiff updone upkiss upblast upblaze upprice upget up inlook upbang upgen upbug upwhat's upsize upup aboveduke upey uphats offgee upgun up