bitch up

The term "bitch up" is informal slang often considered offensive. It can describe actions that ruin or spoil something or behaviors that cause annoyance.



(informal, offensive)To ruin or spoil something through incompetence or carelessness.


  • He tried to fix the computer but bitched it up even more.


(informal, offensive)To complain or criticize persistently in an annoying manner.


  • She bitched up the whole evening by constantly nagging her friends.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "bitch up":

bitch offbitch outwhore upboss upbitch bagnut upskank upbad bitchbitch goddessget it upbig upstick upbitch seathead upstiff upstay uphey upbitch slapstand upman upjerk upmain bitchon the upshit upbottom bitchpipe upget upword upbull uphot upget on upget up insit upbutts updish bitchhoney upjump upwindow upstep uphop upup forgee updope uppimp uprise upfight upup topjew upblack uphands up