black fever

"Black fever" is primarily known in the medical field as a severe parasitic disease affecting internal organs, and it also has a slang usage with a different meaning.



(technical)A severe parasitic disease affecting internal organs, transmitted by sandflies, and characterized by fever, weight loss, and enlargement of the liver and spleen.


  • The patient was diagnosed with black fever and required immediate treatment.
  • Black fever can cause serious complications if not treated promptly.


(informal)A term used to describe a strong attraction or preference for black people, often in a romantic or sexual context.


  • He joked that he had black fever because he always dated black women.
  • Some people find the term black fever offensive due to its racial connotations.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "black fever":

white feverbrain feverthree-day feveryellow fevermonkey feverfever dreamyellow jackjungle feverfever swampscarlet fevergreen sicknesssleeping sicknessmilk feverpurple plaguespring fevercabin fever