block up
The phrasal verb 'block up' typically means to obstruct or fill a space, preventing movement or flow.
(common)To obstruct a space completely, stopping movement or flow.
- Leaves can block up the gutters in autumn.
- The sink is blocked up with food waste.
(technical)To raise an object by placing blocks underneath it.
- They blocked up the car to change the tire.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "block up":
blocked upstop upblock offplug upbrick upblock outblock systemplugged uplock upcork upbricked upblock partybunged upgum upbung upjam upjammed upput on the blockstuffed upstuff upbug upwall offcorked uplocked upblock tacklefree upfill upbottle upbind upbound upbutt uphole upblock graphlock outblock bookinglock downmental blocklock inbunker uplock intobugger upbog downbox upblock ornamentbook uptie upfreeze upblock timestack upseize upchoke offheap uplockup housebox outwindow upconnect uplard upmuddy uppile upstink upbunk upwedge upstick upchoke upball upput up the shutterstoilet block