blocked up
The phrase "blocked up" is commonly used to describe obstructions in various contexts, from physical blockages to nasal congestion.
(informal)Obstructed or filled to the point where movement or flow is hindered.
- The drain is blocked up with leaves.
(informal, British English)Having nasal congestion, often due to a cold or allergies.
- I can't breathe properly because my nose is blocked up.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "blocked up":
block upblock offplugged upbunged upstop upblock systembricked uplocked upblock partyjammed upplug upstuffed upcorked upbrick upput on the blockbung upbound upblock outmental blocklock uptoilet blockblock graphbarred outblock tacklebooked upjam upcork upbrick walledfree upblock ornamentgum upwall offlock outblock modelfreeze upblock timeblock bookingbottle upbogged downtied upstuff uplock down