blow out
The term "blow out" is a versatile phrasal verb used in various contexts, including extinguishing flames, experiencing sudden failures, and achieving decisive victories.
(common)To extinguish a flame by blowing air on it.
- She made a wish and blew out the candles on her birthday cake.
(technical)To burst or rupture, typically referring to a tire.
- The car swerved off the road after experiencing a blowout.
(informal)To win a game or competition by a large margin.
- The team blew out their rivals with a score of 5-0.
(technical)To cause an electrical fuse to break due to excessive current.
- The power surge blew out the fuse in the circuit.
(informal)To spend a lot of money extravagantly.
- They decided to blow out their savings on a luxury vacation.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "blow out":
blown outblow downblow offblow upblow throughblow out of the waterblast outblow apartblow awaypuff outblow waterblow insmoke outflame outblow the roof offblow uponfire outblowing upspark output outblow a fuseblow overblow a hole throughblitz outburn outblow off steambomb outrush outpush outsnuff outbowl outblow assflare outbust outburst outbat outblow a gasketpump outbuff outfluff outflush outforce outclean outsuck outblow someone's brains outstink outfart outball outblast awayboot outclear outbash outbreak outstub outblow one's loadpress outsweep outstomp outsuck the air out ofknock outblast updrain outblank outrig outshoot outall outbelt outshot outwash outspout outair outbleed outburst upkick outlet outream outflip outblow one's wadhave outbody blowbush outpull outblock outblot outpoop outpuffed outshow outfly outblaze upleak outring outfog outwipe outshake outblaze downput out a firechoke outblab outsqueeze outbrown outtake outpop offspin outshoot offbawl outrim outfizzle outflame updrive outsuck all the air out ofbeat outpop outblow the whistlecrap outbrass outnut outsputter outpunch outthrow outrip outcrack outpeal outbang outshit outcrash outstamp outsmack outflake outblow the gaffpack outblaze awayfoul outfull outbuck outbutter outdrink outgive outpour outpan outbitch outshut outburn downnose outfall outcut outend outbud outfling outbrush outboil overspill outblow someone's mindsqueeze offtop outcough outclap outblack outboil offbox outdry outback outblow chunksdump outrun outgo outscrub out