bomb out

The phrase 'bomb out' can imply failure or complete destruction, often used in both casual and serious contexts.

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(idiomatic, informal)To fail completely or perform very poorly in an endeavor.


  • The team bombed out in the finals, losing by a huge margin.
  • She bombed out on her math test despite studying hard.


(slang, technical)To destroy completely using explosives.


  • The airstrike bombed out the enemy's supply depot.


(informal)To leave or depart quickly due to a negative situation.


  • After the argument, he bombed out of the room without saying a word.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "bomb out":

crap outbug outflunk outboot outcrash outbail outflake outbombed outbat outback outduck outdrop outfall outbud outbung outflame outbash outcop outkick outpoop outball outconk outblow outburn outspark outfizzle outbust outrig outbowl outpunk outbuck outtap outbang outblast outfire outbitch outblow offstall outjump outfoul outfag outpan outpass outdrop the ballpitch outwalk outrun out onblow upget the bootlose outstop outblank outfly outrun outblown outtrap outbag outblitz outbush outblow out of the waterbuff outtag outstrike outboom offbreak outfall throughbunk offcome a cropperdab outbawl outchuck outfunk outburst outget outpop outdrop the bombgo ballisticsputter outchimp outgo offhit the brickspop offway outbounce offbang offabandon shipthrow outgo by the boardstink outdie outconk offjump offace outforce outnut outgive outwipe outflip outgo belly-upbite the dustrun offcrack outbust onspin outrush outsmoke outtoss outdump outbrown outfish outfreak outpush outsmack outfail at lifebelt outfly the cooppack outspaz outkick the bucketknock outshit outclock outtrip outend outcall it quitsgo outlay an eggall outbox outsell outstub outclap outtake a divefoul upgo up in smoketop outdrop behindstomp outbugger upslip outdown and outwalk offbadge outblow apartpull outbeat outgoon outflare outbuy outage outfalling outbeef outexit baghop offclear off