bowl up

The phrase "bowl up" can mean either to arrive unexpectedly or to prepare a smoking device, depending on the context.

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(informal, slang)To arrive or appear suddenly and without prior notice.


  • He just bowled up at the party without any invitation.
  • They tend to bowl up whenever they feel like it, often catching everyone by surprise.


(informal, slang)To prepare a pipe or bong by filling it with smokable material.


  • They decided to bowl up before heading to the concert.
  • He took his time to bowl up, ensuring the pipe was packed just right.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "bowl up":

bowl outbowl overball upbell upboil upballs upbubble upstew upbowl a googlycook upsimmer uppuddle upgob upbroil upbob uprice bowlfood bowlbull upbrew uptumble upball outbuoy upwell upblow upbroom updish upcome upcure upkick upburst upbelly uptee uproll upbottle upbug upflame upjoke upbawl outcome up toboil oversend upboss upbutt uphot upruffle upwork uppunch upfoul upchurn upbear upfluff upoil upbowling figuresscoop upcook up a stormspool upfall upsack upserve upwhip upglaze upchuck upplay ballchum upblaze upruck upbung up