brace up
The phrase "brace up" generally implies preparing for a challenge, providing support, or becoming stronger in some way.
(informal)To prepare oneself mentally or emotionally for a challenging situation.
- You need to brace up before giving that speech.
(technical)To provide additional structural support to make something more stable.
- The workers had to brace up the walls to prevent them from collapsing.
(technical)To adjust the yards of a ship to a more fore-and-aft position.
- The captain ordered the crew to brace up the yards.
(informal)To regain confidence or become more positive after a setback.
- After the initial shock, she managed to brace up and continue with her work.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "brace up":
buck upbear upbuckle upbelt upnut upchin upbrass upsack upgear upstiff upbuckle inbull upgee upman upchirk upbutt upperk upshape uptighten uphead upsaddle upruck upbutch uppluck upcheer upbuff upsquare one's shoulderssit upbear downharden upgather strengthrug upflex upstraighten upfight uptake hearthem upknuckle upgen upgun upcuff upfirm upgeed upbundle upbuoy upget it upsharpen upfront upsit up withhitch uplimber upcowboy uptool uploosen upbrighten upbrace of shakeslace upbooze upstay upstand upease uprein upamp upjerk uproll up one's sleevesbell upget a gripbadge upstick upstep upwork uppull up onsmarten uppull uppull up your pantsjacket upget sturdypump upknuckle downpipe upplay upsuit upget uptack uprub upmuscled uprub up onpush up againstleg upcoat uphold tighttrice uplove upboss upspark uplighten uptone upcharge upbrush upprop upbutts upback upgas upread upstand up withrise up