break out
The phrase "break out" can describe sudden beginnings, escapes, or the emergence of conditions or items.
(common)To escape from a place or situation, often by force or with difficulty.
- Several prisoners managed to break out of the high-security prison.
- He spent years planning how to break out of the oppressive regime.
(common)To suddenly start, often used in reference to something undesirable like a disease or conflict.
- War broke out in the region, causing widespread panic.
- A fire broke out in the kitchen last night.
(common)To develop a rash or skin condition suddenly.
- She broke out in hives after eating the peanuts.
- Teenagers often break out in acne during puberty.
(common)To take something out of storage and start using it.
- We need to break out the winter clothes now that it's getting colder.
- They broke out the champagne to celebrate the victory.
(common)To separate something into smaller parts or categories.
- The report breaks out the data by region and category.
- Let's break out the tasks so we can handle them more efficiently.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "break out":
bust outburst outcrack outbreak throughbreak intobreak inbreak awayburst upbreak covercome outjump outpop outbug outbreak withspring outflip outbreak openstep outbreak downrig outshake outbreak fromget outlet outfall outgo outbreak the moldbreak upfreak outblow uppop offbreak ranksball outblow outbranch outblast outbat outfly outbash outleak outshow outcome out withcrop outbubble upspaz outcrash outbomb outbuck outpush outbreak a sweatspill outgive outgame outslip outway outpeal outget outsidebreak apartbreak offbust upcrack opentrip outgrow out offlare outcome forthsmoke outhave outrush outream outflare upstand outspring upbush outwalk outcrap outcrack uppress outlet loosecome upspout outroll outcough outopen upforce outbust onbelt outbreak rigorspark outwhip outgo offstick outget out offly the cooppull outhit outbitch outcome aparttear awayback outclap outlash outtweak outduck outbreak badbang outcrack offout of one's boxbreak groundjoin outtrap outchimp outcut looseget awayplay outflake outbrass outbud outbail outwild outrun riotfire outswing outbreak the storypop uprise up