bronze yellow
"Bronze yellow" is a color commonly used in design and art, characterized by its unique blend of yellow and brown tones, reminiscent of aged bronze.
B2Design and Art
(general)A dark yellow color with a brownish or golden undertone, similar to the color of bronze metal.
- The artist chose bronze yellow to add a warm, metallic feel to the painting.
- Bronze yellow is a popular choice in interior design for creating a cozy atmosphere.
C1Color Theory
(technical)A moderate to dark yellow shade with a slight brownish or metallic tint.
- In color theory, bronze yellow is considered a warm color due to its golden undertone.
- Designers often use bronze yellow to evoke feelings of warmth and energy.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "bronze yellow":
yellow copperyellow metalbutter yellowold goldgolden brownred goldbronze medallemon yellowgrey amberyellow outblue goldgreen goldhigh yellowyellow uplight orangesaffron yellowyellow goodsyellow manyellow lightred coppersummer yellowautumn orangeantique brassrose goldbrick redblack copperblack goldfall orangecode yellowschool bus yellowburnt umbermellow yellow