brown snake
The term "brown snake" encompasses various species, primarily known for their brown color and includes both venomous and non-venomous types found in different regions.
B2Australian Wildlife
(biological, technical)A highly venomous snake from the genus Pseudonaja, commonly found in Australia and New Guinea.
- The eastern brown snake is one of the most dangerous snakes in Australia.
B2North American Wildlife
(biological, technical)A small, non-venomous snake from the genus Storeria, typically found in North America.
- The brown snake is often seen in gardens and wooded areas.
C1Australian Wildlife
(biological, technical)A non-venomous snake known as the short-nosed snake or little brown snake, scientifically named Elapognathus minor.
C1Australian Wildlife
(biological, technical)A venomous snake known as the mulga or king brown snake, scientifically named Pseudechis australis.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "brown snake":
green snakewater snakesand snakesea snakerock snakesnake vinesnake eyescarpet snakesnake outgrass snakethunder snakewhip snakesnake dancesnake beancoral snakesnow snakesnake's headsnake pitpilot snakesnake cactusharlequin snakedeath addersand vipersea addergreen pit vipersnake gourdbanana spiderboa constrictorbrown creeperhoop snakehognose snakehorned adder