buck out
In rodeo events, 'buck out' describes a pivotal moment when a horse leaps from the chute, challenging the rider's skill and marking a critical part of the performance.
(informal, slang)To make a sudden leap or jump, often to dislodge a rider or as a form of resistance.
- The horse bucked out unexpectedly, causing the rider to lose balance.
(technical)The act of a horse jumping out of the chute at the start of a ride, requiring the rider to follow specific rules.
- The rider prepared as the horse was about to buck out of the chute.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "buck out":
buck slipback outbuck upbuck danceduck outbush outbug outbud outbust outbitch outbung outbeef outbail outrig outbat outtoodlum buckbomb outcrap outjump outpull outboot outcop outcheese outtip outbuck fevermack outball outbucking broncostop outway outflip outbutter outbrass outcrack outbadge outtuck outfunk outbuff outpush outbox outkick outwalk outtag outpitch outpack outhave outbuckle instep outbash outget outcheap outtrap outbreak outforce outnut outbowl outfag outslip outtap outcrash outcash outswing outheel outshow outduck offchuck outbag outcork outclock outfoul outdab outflake outfall outshake outslug outsub outblow outfly outrim outtop outrush outpunch outtrip outstall outbuckle upweasel outpop outblitz outbust onspark outpunched outgrub outdumb outmud outpoop outbang outnose outpork outedge outget out oftrick outsee outgo off the reservationsuck out