buck up

The phrase "buck up" is commonly used to encourage oneself or others to face challenges with courage and a positive attitude.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Voice:
πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ UK Voice:



(informal)To become more cheerful or confident.


  • He was feeling down, but his friends told him to buck up.


(informal)To encourage someone to be more positive or resilient.


  • She tried to buck up her team after the disappointing loss.


(informal)To summon the courage or energy to tackle a difficult situation.


  • He realized he needed to buck up and address the issue.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "buck up":

brace upbear upnut upsack upman upchin upbuckle upbuck outgee upcheer upbull uppluck upperk upchirk upbutch upbuckle inharden upbuoy upruck upbrass upbelt upcowboy upstiff uphead upsaddle upbutt upshape upfight upbrighten uptake heartsquare one's shouldershitch upbite the bulletknuckle downback upgen upget it upbuff upbear downstraighten uplighten upfront upgather strengthjerk upbell upstick upgear uppork upsit uppipe upboss upbug upease uphaul upante upget uphem upjack upgeed upsmarten uptighten upbump upstep upknuckle uprein upprick upstand up tostand upsharpen upbuck dancestay upget a gripkick upbang upspark up