bug up

The phrase "bug up" is often used in informal contexts, particularly in African-American Vernacular English, and can have different meanings based on the situation.


B2Interpersonal Interaction

(informal, slang)To deliberately annoy or provoke someone.


  • Why are you trying to bug up with me?
  • He likes to bug up his sister just for fun.


(technical, espionage)To place a listening device in a location for monitoring purposes.


  • The agents decided to bug up the suspect's office.
  • They bugged up the room to gather evidence.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "bug up":

bugger upbung upstuff upgoof upmess upfoul upmuck upact upbutt upmuss upjam upbang upgum upmist upscrew upburst upkick uptrip upmuddle upbotched upgee upmix upbull upruffle upgen upgin upbust upbump upbubble updust uprough upfix uphem upstick upmuddy upblock upbunk upjack upmessed upfall upbob uphop uphot upcrap uphack upmess aboutrumple upjumble upbelly upbeat upfight upbad upstink upjammed uppipe upscuzz upjoke upfog upslip upscrewed upstuffed upbrew upblow upbog downbadge upbunged upget up infuckered upjump upbell upgoose uppluck upgun upsnarl upsmell upstew upgas upsend upmess withjerk upkip upgob upstop uppatch upbuck uprun upgummy upbruise uphit uphit up againsthaul updrag uptat upbowl upball upknock uprark upbeat up onplay upshake upbump in the roadbust onhole uprarked updo upnut upsnot upkick up dustwhack upget it upjacked uphold uptumble upbuoy upcome upbug offstir upbump offup the stumppuddle upflare upbear upbud outstiff upruck upup in armsrub upspark upswitch uprucked uphopped upperk uphutch upbunk intobig upbump intobubble underdummy upsoup upskank uphead upbogged downpork upmonkey up