bugger up
The phrase 'bugger up' is chiefly used in British, Australian, New Zealand, and Irish English to indicate causing damage or making a mistake.
C1General Use
(informal, slang)To damage or spoil something, making it inoperative or useless.
- I've buggered up the computer and it won't turn on.
- He buggered up the presentation by deleting the main file.
C1Personal Interaction
(informal, slang)To injure or harm someone.
- He buggered up his leg in the football match.
C1General Use
(informal, slang)To make a mistake that causes a problem or failure.
- I buggered up the exam by misreading the questions.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "bugger up":
bug upmuck upfoul upstuff upgoof upmess upscrew upbotched upmuddle upmuss upgum upfuckered upmess aboutmessed upscrewed upbung upmuddy upmist upbugger offmix upjumble upbang upfix uptrip upjam upmuck aboutbunk upbunged upscuzz upmess withstuffed upsnarl uprumple upact upslip upruffle upstink upfuck it upbust upblock upscrew aroundpiss something up the wallfucked upcome a cropperbutt upmess aroundrough updo upjammed upgo awryjumbled upgo wrongscrew withstew upwhack upcack uppatch upbomb outhack upruck updust uppiss up