bull up
The term "bull up" has different meanings in various contexts, such as sports and military slang.
(sports, informal)To throw darts aiming at the center to determine who goes first in a match.
- They had to bull up to decide who would start the game.
(slang, UK)To thoroughly polish boots or prepare military equipment, such as cleaning firearms or uniforms.
- The soldiers spent the evening bulling up their boots for inspection.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "bull up":
bell upbutt upbuff upbuck uppull upball upbrace uppull up onbump upbug upbear uppush upbung uppump upchin upnut upjump upbadge upbull runman upbrass uphead upgee upbutch upbutts upjerk upbull ringjack upbig upbuoy uppork upgun upfight upstiff upplay uphop uphem upbulk upboss upbowl uppal upstick upmuscle upbubble upmuscled upperk upballs uppluck upflex upthrow the bullpush up againstkip upkick uppower upget it upbitch upgen upblast upduke uphot upbar upknuckle uphaul upbob upruck upcuff upbear downstep upbust uppumped upcowboy uprun upfront upmonkey upamp upgulp uphey uppuff upsit uppunch upbooze upleg upgin upon the uplift uprark upbelly uprub upmove upone upstay upback uppipe upbrown uppull downgas upbang upbull butterpit bullwork upbuild uppuddle upfire uproll upup forcorner upchirk upbully boyride upload upride up on