bump up

The phrase "bump up" is commonly used in informal contexts to indicate a sudden or notable increase or promotion.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Voice:
πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ UK Voice:



(informal)To increase the amount, level, or number of something suddenly or significantly.


  • The extra features will bump up the price of the product.
  • We need to bump up our efforts to meet the deadline.


(informal)To promote someone to a higher position or status unexpectedly.


  • She was bumped up to manager after only a year with the company.
  • They bumped him up to the first-class cabin.

B2Queue Management

(informal)To advance someone's position in a queue or list.


  • They bumped us up in line because we had a reservation.
  • The urgent case was bumped up to the top of the list.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "bump up":

bump offbump and runbump in the roadmove upjack upbump intobutt uphop uppump upbump capbung upbump and grindbull upkick upamp upbuoy upbug upbig upgo uphot upspeed bumpjump uphike upbob uplift updrive upup the antepimp upprice upplump upstep upcrease upramp upone upknock upjerk upup forhead upvalue raiseplay upbuff uppush upon the upstiff upleg upelbow bumpbubble upvamp upfluff uptrade upbell uppitch uphit upbutts upback upget it upspike upcrank upchange upstick uppull up onkip upblast upround upbang uptumble upride uptrump upheads uppush up againsthit up againstfist bumpperk upsoup upspeed upwindow upbunk uprun upchest bumpbring uptop upfight uphem upprop upsend upbuild upwedge upage updouble uppull uppower upbuck uptalk upbounce arounddrag upup a heightbrush upturn uptouch uppunch uppumped uppuff upbust upsugar upball uppush inamped upup linebadge upjazz uppush overhutch upbuy upgin updrill upgee uphype up