bunk up
"Bunk up" is a versatile phrase with different meanings depending on the context and region, commonly used in informal speech.
(informal)To share a room, bed, or other sleeping space with another person, often due to limited accommodations.
- We had to bunk up in the same room because the hotel was fully booked.
(informal, british)To give someone a boost or help them get ahead.
- He gave his friend a bunk up in the company by recommending him for the job.
B2Physical Assistance
(informal, british)To push someone upwards to help them climb over an obstacle.
- They gave each other a bunk up to climb over the high fence.
C1Casual Relationships
(slang)To engage in casual sex.
- They had a quick bunk up after the party.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "bunk up":
bunk downbunk intobunker upshacked upbunk offbutt upbung uphutch upbed downbug upbugger uplair upchum upwhack upbang uphole upruck upsleep togetherhook upshare a bedskank upcouple uplove upjam uphitch upbooze upbump uprug upknock uptuck upblock upbung outjoke uphunker downpack upget up injack up