buoy up
The phrase "buoy up" can refer to both a physical action related to flotation and a figurative action related to emotional support.
B2Emotional Support
(idiomatic, figurative)To uplift or inspire someone's spirits or morale.
- Her kind words buoyed up his spirits during the tough times.
- The team's victory buoyed up the fans' enthusiasm.
(literal)To keep something or someone afloat in water.
- The life jacket buoyed up the swimmer in the rough sea.
- The barrels were used to buoy up the floating platform.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "buoy up":
bear upprop upbob uplife buoylift upbell upbuck uphead upperk upsend upbump upbuoy tenderfloat atballast upstiff uppump upbull upjack upbubble uphaul upstay upfight upchin upbrighten upbrace upbowl upcheer upplump upchirk upfluff uppuff upget it upbung uphop upon the upkeep upplay upcarry upliven upburst upfloating tonebuild uprise abovebounce backbuff upgo uphot upbutt uprise upmove upmoor upbug upgin upput upleg uppush up againstjump upbubble underamp up