bush out

The phrase "bush out" is primarily used in gardening and nature contexts to describe the growth pattern of plants or the appearance of hair or fur.

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(informal)To grow thickly with branches or foliage.


  • Prune the plant to encourage it to bush out more evenly.
  • The hedge began to bush out after the spring rains.


(informal)To spread out or expand in a dense, bushy manner.


  • The cat's fur bushed out when it got scared.
  • Over time, the tree's branches bushed out, providing ample shade.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "bush out":

bush peebush weebuck outpush outnut outbash outbust outswamp outbush lawyerrush outback outbush frogbud outrig outbrass outforce outbush baptistbrush outbush ratedge outmud outbush pigboot outbeef outbat outbug outhave outway outbomb outsmoke outduck outglory bushbranch outguts outblow outbuff outnose outpull outbox outbitch outspring outget outsee outburst outjump outgrub outbush telegraphdrive outbutter outpuff outget outside ofpack outroot outbowl outbreak outpump outflush output outbung outnerve outstink outfart outfluff outcrop outbush sunflowerbush medicineneedle bushemu bushpop outget out oftop outkick outstep outget outsidebail outpoop outfield outcrash outbroom bushshow outscrub outfly outshovel outblitz outpitch outpress outtrap outblast outfish outream outtuck outburning bushspark outcrack outfire outgo outswing outslip outend outwalk outwhip out