bust one's ass
The phrase "bust one's ass" is an informal and vulgar expression commonly used in Canadian and US English to describe intense effort or physical aggression.
B2Work and Effort
(informal, vulgar)To work extremely hard or put in a lot of effort.
- I've been busting my ass to finish this project on time.
B2Physical Aggression
(informal, vulgar)To physically harm or beat someone up.
- Say that again and I'm going to bust your ass.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "bust one's ass":
bust assbreak one's backfall flat on one's facebust a gutbust onsomeone's arse offdie on one's arsebreak one's neckkick someone's assbeat someone's assbust outdie in the assbust a nuton someone's asscome a cropperbust a movesit one's butt downtake a tumblebust downbreak someone's backfall off one's perchbust upgut busterpiss one's pantsblow asstake one's lumpswhoop assass kickingfall down onfall overfall downon the bumbite the dusthit the pavementcrash outblow one's wadcrap one's pantscatch hellhit the bricksyour ass