bust out

The phrase "bust out" is versatile in informal contexts, often implying a sudden or forceful action.

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(informal)To escape from a place or situation unexpectedly.


  • The prisoners managed to bust out of their cells during the night.


(informal)To bring out or reveal something suddenly.


  • She decided to bust out her new dance moves at the party.


(informal)To burst into an action, such as laughing.


  • He couldn't help but bust out laughing at the joke.


(technical)To lose by exceeding the card limit in the game.


  • She was disappointed to bust out in the final round of blackjack.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "bust out":

burst outbreak outbust oncrack outburst upbust upbust a gutbust downpop outjump outbust a movebust a nutbust assblast outcome outspring outbreak intobat outbash outbuck outbelt outwhip outbomb outbust one's asscrash outbush outblow outbreak throughlet outbug outflip outrig outbrass outpop offbud outball outcrack uppeal outpuff outblow upcrap outbang outpush outspill outspout outbreak infall outprang outstep outcome out withspark outcrack openshake outleak outbitch outrush outshow outslip outguts outcough outfart outblow a gaskethave outbail outflare outpoop outstick outbawl outgive outfreak outcrop outbubble uphulk outsmoke outbuff outbung outfunk outfly outbreak openpress outcrack offspaz outrip outpull outpop one's corkclap outduck outbreak coverblab outpunch outbreak awaypump outswing outbreak withfull outbranch outtop outburn outbreak downgo outflake outblow the roof offblow apartkick outget outbelly outlet loosebreak the bankblow the gaffway outback outforce outcome forthboot outlet ripbusted flushnut outblitz outsing outcut loosegut busterbreak a sweatgo ballisticchimp outcheese outpunched outpan outtip outtap outfling outtrap outgrow out of