butt up
The phrase "butt up" is often used to describe the action of two objects or surfaces coming into close contact or being adjacent to each other.
(common)To be positioned directly next to something, with no space in between.
- The two pieces of wood should butt up against each other to form a tight seal.
(common)To push or press against something firmly.
- The car butted up against the wall after the collision.
(figurative)To be in sharp contrast with or confront directly.
- Her new ideas butted up against the traditional ways of the company.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "butt up":
butts upbull uppush up againsthit up againstrub up againstbung upnut upbug upbump upruck upbutch uprub uptuck upstick upfront upbutt headsbrace upstiff upbrush upbell upbunk uphem upscoot uphead upchum upcuff upjam upgee uphutch upbelly upgoose upkick upbuck upknuckle upball uppush upbust upbuff upplay upjack upbang uprun uprub up onbrass upfight upgussy uprug upjump upbadge upbutt incorner upknock upcoat uppuddle upbump intoblock uppad uprucked upgun uppork upkiss uprun up onride up onpipe uphop uptap uprough upbunk intosex upbang intoboss upmove uphit upbob uppush backlove upjerk upup againstsit upsquare upsmack upruffle uppush aroundbelt upcollar upman upget up inpull up onpluck upride upmuss upstop upshape upbunker upstuck uppush oncome up topush inleg upsnot upkip upbig upbugger upmatch upcosy up toplump upback upbruise upgin upjacket upbear uppush and shovehitch upfit upknife upskank upsaddle upstand up toconnect upnuts to buttspush pasttuck indo upbuoy uphot upbump offbowl uppuff uprhyme upsuck upprop upwedge upamp upgen uphole upbooze upone upcouple upduke upbear againstfluff upstep upelbow bumpprick upcross upstuff upstand uppush overfix upcheese upget up the yardpost upbeat uphey upperk upbrush backput upstay uptouch uptat upjoke upink uppush forward