buy up
The phrase "buy up" is commonly used in contexts where purchasing all or most of the available supply of something is involved, often for strategic reasons.
(idiomatic)To purchase all or as much as possible of something.
- The company decided to buy up all the remaining inventory to prevent competitors from getting it.
- Collectors are buying up rare books at an unprecedented rate.
(idiomatic)To acquire a significant quantity of something, often to control its supply or price.
- Investors are buying up stocks to influence market prices.
- Developers are buying up land to control future real estate projects.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "buy up":
snap upbuy outstock upbuy ineat upgobble uphoover uptrade upbuy offbuy intoscoop upuse uprun uptake upchoose uppork upswallow uplap upbuy itbuy out from undersweep upgob upcorner the marketgulp upsell upbuy and pay fordrive uphot upprice upante upsponge upheap uppick upgo upbid download uptalk upbook upshoot uporder upup forgo up forhop upmove upfight uppluck upscrump upsoak upplay upread upjack upmop upbump upsell outgun up