calabash tree
The "calabash tree" is notable for its large, hard-shelled fruits, which are often repurposed as containers and utensils.
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(technical)A tropical tree known for producing large, hard-shelled fruits that can be used as containers when hollowed out.
- The calabash tree is commonly found in Central and South America.
- Villagers often use the fruits of the calabash tree to make bowls and cups.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "calabash tree":
calabash nutmegbottle treecandelabra treetrumpet treecaterpillar treecabbage treeumbrella treetallow treeplantain treelocust treecandle treetree cactussilk-cotton treecabbage palmcucumber treeparasol treeangelica treepagoda treekapok treecamphor treecow treegrass treelacquer treemacaw bushbottle palmsmoke treebalsam applefood treesuicide treeflame treeblood treerain treepassion treegum tree