cash up

The term "cash up" is commonly used in retail and business settings to describe the process of finalizing and recording daily monetary transactions.

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B2Retail and Business

(idiomatic)To count and record the money taken in by a business at the end of a trading period.


  • After the store closed, the manager stayed late to cash up.
  • Employees are trained to cash up their tills before leaving their shift.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "cash up":

cashed upcash infront upcash outsquare upante upcash in handcash moneycash on the linetrue upcash flowpaid uptop upcold hard cashup frontcough upkip upboss uprun upcase uporder upup forprice upflash for cashfetch upcatch uppay outcash grabhop upcash registerclap upreckon upfree upone upwindow upcheck upcast up one's accounts